Dawat-e-Islami was founded in the early 80s by Mualana Ilyas Atar Qadri. He started wearing green turban out of the love of Prophet’s Tomb (PBUH) which is also green in colour. He also asked fellow Muslims to wear Turban as a measure of love. It must be noted that our Prophet has also has worn green coloured turban (evidence: Green turban associated with him is at Badshahi masjid museum).
Dawat-e-Islami believes in strict code of conduct for its adherents. It wishes to see people praying on proper time, paying their zakat, and all the Islamic injunctions that are part of our collective heritage (and tradition). It also feels that the moral backwardness of the Muslim Ummah is due the lack of following of the tradition of tolerance, positive thinking, obeying commands of parents, and respecting elders as well as young ones.
Dawat-e-Islami is presently working in over 60 countries and they regularly send out Madni Kaflas (their internal term for groups of people visiting places to spread the message of Islam). Their main points of interaction are South Africa, Dubai, Mozambique, India, and Central Asian states.
People dis-agree with lot of things which Dawat-e-Islami people do. For one, there is a strong disagreement over the Madni Munaas walk on 9th of Rabi-ul-Awal. As these are only very young kids, people say the entire exercise is un-necessary. Another criticism on them is why they wear Green and not white or black turban. Well, every school has its uniform. Why KGS students don’t wear the uniform of St. Michael’s School and vice versa?
People also associate Dawat-e-Islami with Sunni Tehreek, which is a militant form of Ahl-e-Sunnah Jamat and is just like Wahabi-led Sipah Sahaba. Although Dawat-e-Islami is a Sunni group it has no relation with Sunni Tehreek and its founder, Saleem Qadri, actually broke away from the main group to form his own party.
Allhumdulilah Dawateislami now works more than 66 Countries. If there wasn't no Dawateislami we wouldn't have sunni Islam left or maybe very little left in world. Because British grown tablighi jamaat in India destroyed true Islam. The sunnis are simple minded people who left tablighi jamaat terrorist over take their mosques. Most of the time TJ takes mosque by force. The Sunnis just stay sleeping. Alhumdulilah Dawateislami has worked to bring awareness in Sunni community. Dawateislami Zindabad.
I also agree with brother above, thanks to Dawateislami sunni's are rising up and defeding their Islam. Now Sunni tehreek brothers are rising up to take the Sunnis mosque which were taken by deobandi terrorist tablighi jamaat. It's sad but our so called Islami government supports these terrorist and then later on the government cries about the suicide attacks. Remember all of these attacks are carried out by deobandis,wahabis, and jamat e islami. Sunnis wake up and defend your faith.
salam to all muslim brotehrs.dawate islami is spreading the true islam i love dawate islami very much this article needs more information to be put in.how ever there r some lines which r not true about dawate islami specially the one which says "people disagree with dawate islami" this absolutely wrong the biggest prove is the IJTIMAS OF dawate islami which attrat millions.
very well writen bro.....
yes Dawat-e-Islami is the only non-Political, Non-Extemist and anti-terrorist organization in the era.....
Brother i would love to share this article at my blog with a courtesy link to your blog.....
Hope u will not mind.....
reply me soon...
My Bliog is at.....
Mashallah! Dawateislami is the best. I think we have a lot to learn from them. And the best is they are the best Sunnis in the world. They spread the true Islam, Alhamdulillah! Very nice article Bro. Just saw your favourite links section, so i am presenting you a website which I found yesterday.
I think this is a website you can add it to your favourite links, because its my favourite one.
Kya Dawate Islami Aur Sunni DawateIslami Maslak-e-Alahazrat par Qaim hai?
Janne k liye Visit karein:
DawateIslami Maslak-e-Alahazrat ke khair khwan ya mukhaalif..?
Janne k liye Visit karein:
To know the Real Secrets of DawateIslami do Visit:
Khair khwa
Mashallah. Thank you all for your valuable comments.
I personally feel that Dawat-e-Islami has made great inroads via its many publications, Madani muzakras on its Madni channel and by sending out people across the World to preach Islam. It is testimony to the honesty of Dawat-e-Islami's work that it is allowed by all governments.
Dawat-e-Islami has spread the Sunnah of Beloved Prophet ﷺ to 176 countries to date, and is working in around 81 departments. Its spreading the Sunnah in Schools, colleges, universities, Jails, in special persons (deaf, blind, dumb), constructing mosques, running the only 100% Islamic TV Channel i.e. Madani Channel, and hundreds of such achievements. To know more, log on to www.dawateisalmi.net
madni channel ka advertise to aise karte hai ye log jaise islam me tasvir ki koi pabandi hi nahi hai ...khule aam video shooting kar rahe hai aur TV jaise shaitani cheez se deen failane ki koshish kar rahe hai..PAKISTAN AUR INDIA KE SIVA YE DAWAT E ISLAMI KO KOI JAANTA TAK NAHI HAI SAB JHOOT BAAT HAI KI 170 COUNTRIES ME KAAM KAR RAHE HAI...PEHLE EK COUNTRY ME TO THIK SE KAAM KAR LO .. RAZA ACADEMY WALE TO INHE KHUD MASJID ME KITAAB PADHNE NAHI DETE..AAPAS ME HI YE LADDU PHOOT CHUKE HAI..
Sunni Tehreek the organised terrrist organisation & licence to carry out millitant activities. They tend to encroaching different mosques out of other brands and occupying it by force.
They then cover all the misdeeds biddah of their parent party the so called mushroomed dawate-biddati. Sunni tehreek and dawate islami co exist. Those who claims that ST is seperated is a proclaimed big lie!!
ST works for which party ? ST network is funded by which party ? ST terrorises the masses under whose influence?
says Madina Madina !!! mujhko dawate islami se pyar hai ......
the reality is mujhko dawate halwai se pyar hai ....
u people created hatered among the local muslim and branding upon as intrinsic and pure form of Islam.. have some shame on u for creating divisions in Islam and corrupting the minds of poor un-educated and illiterate peoples. u will be held accountable for the innovation created in Islam. Cheating all the rituals from other devaint groups. U are too much inspired with Shias, most of ur beliefs are in conformity with shi'ism. (e.g. Wilayat of Ali radhiy Allahu 'anhu, Sufisim, Praying to dead, grave worshipping coated with grave honouring.
Another provoking observation is that u people are in love with LOUD SPEAKERS,[fingering the amplifier volumes vigoriusly to increase the fake attention and importance ]they collect people from the neighbourhood in the mosques and all the night long with Full Volume, they recite Naats (poetry in praise of Prophet s.a.w) in the tune and background music of Indian filmy song, in the name of MEELAD SHAREEF, or any Festivals, and their Speakers all the night hammer on your head and don't allow you to have a sleep. (I challenge anyone who will deny this fact.)
Dawat-e-Islami people call deobandis and wahabis, Kafir. DO u have the authority to label other school of thought as Kafir ??? Who authorised u after all????
This is what I have heard a lot from people and seen on this forum run by Barelvis: yanabi(dot)com/forum/
Their principal motto : Naath if faith. Shout the naath as loud as possible.
Some years ago according to ur cult leader ‘s FARMAN u broke and destroyed DVD's, TV sets and tape-recorders.....Now Madni channed legalized all the past activities!!!! HAAI madni maal ..haare pagdi wali chal ....U made a classical mockery to Islam ..naam ke aashiq....
The sahaba HAzrat Bilab r.a.w. has the highest respect and love for our beloved Prophet S.A.W. and the appointed and annointed Muazzin (crier of Azhan). He in his lifetime never vocalized DARUD Sharif in loud voice before or after AZHAN is called.
But to distinguish ur brand and mosque & to instill a fake superiority loud DARUD Sharif is vocalized whatsoever the situation is.What ur group is trying to prove????
U claim if Darud Sharif is not said before and after nothing will be acceptable and the same virtue will be hanging between earth and sky…..
One fails to understand DI founded in 1981-CE and Islam in 579-CE, and around these all 1402 years all the Azans virtue is hanging between heaven & earth????????????????????????????????????
To the response of a loud noised Naath from neighbourhood with an Indian filmy song tune, one of a learned (educated) Hindu colleague posed a question that ..singing and playing music is apparently prohibited in Islam!!! These green-turban guys doing the same ? they r protector of Islam or offender of Islam. He is a professor in KU……
My head hang in shame…
U need to answer these questions …
Dawat e Islami Jahanami Totay
You wrote a pamphlet saying how bad TV is and then starter your own TV channel?
Asalam u Alikum
Kindly mind your language. Without doubt today Dawat-e-Islami is the largest Islamic organization in the World and working in 198 countries. During Corona epidemic they will be sending out 26 lac ration bags, much higher than any govt. or private organization.
Regarding TV the views are still same: The filthy TV, the actress, the lies, etc. are not acceptable and were never acceptable. Therefore, Dawat-e-Islami decided to have its own channel to support not only Islamic cause but also respond effectively to all the fabrications spread out in the name of Islam. This is perhaps the only International TV which has no ad - and not a single woman has even been shown in its program. Is it not taqwa then?
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