Saturday, August 28, 2010

Free Iftar @ Memon Masjid

My flickr friend, Raja Islam, took these beautiful shots at Memon Masjid, Boultan Market, Karachi, Pakistan. These illustrate not only the general concept of eating much more than required during the Holy month of Ramazan Sharif, but these photographs also illustrate the remarkable level of generosity of Memons towards other Muslims. For sure, this masjid has the best free menu among all the masjids of this city. You may have as much biryani, fruits, chaat and sherbat as you like. People out there even offer dinner galas at masjids during bari raats and much more. No wonder then every year people especially from Punjab (Punjabis and Seraikis) throng this city for a free lunch, as it were. Thanks to ALLAH that due to ravaging floods we are seeing little of these Punjabis this year!

Enjoy your iftari.

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