Sunday, January 10, 2010

Public kissing at Sea View, Karachi

Couples are always there. Sea View is a place of choice for young couples. Married and un-married ones moving around, sitting, engrossed in their chats; children playing around; older ones walking or just sitting idly. But it is the Saturday night which perturbs me. And the young, apparently un-married couples, huddled in the black tinted glass cars, sticking together, kissing. These are the sort of men and women you might expect everywhere in the world. But the type of things they do, and it is obvious what they are upto, raises quite a few questions.

Ok yes, it is not my responsibility to stop every of the 254 men and women kissing on a wintery Saturday night at Sea View. But as a citizen of this God-damned city of Karachi it is my responsibility to whine about the irresponsibility of DHA and CBC patrol police there. How can you tolerate all these couples, huddled in their cars, kissing loudly and touching each other obscenely within the clear view of all the married men and women and their children and old men and women. What sense, if any, shall be made of such a display of lust and sex right in the middle of a public place? I feel sad that these men and women are not yet married and that their lust for sex has driven them so mad they ought to have sex displays in front of public. I feel sadder for their parents who are unaware of their sons and daughters doing whatever they are doing. It is not about morality going awry in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is as if our entire system of civic sense and understanding of our own roots have gone down a DHA drain. We as a nation do everything we can copy from the West. And this appears to be no different.

Much thanks to Musharraf for all this help these go-getters got from amendments!


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous said people and bastards like you are the real reason of discomfort in this world. Religious hatred and wrong deeds if they go out of this world then it ll be a better place.

Anonymous said...

What nasty comments on what is such a great blog! I live in a US city where we have a lovely park. Oh, and did I mention that families can't even enjoy it because it's become a favorite of homosexual men who meet there for sex?
If you read this entire blog, you would see that the author is not intolerant at all.

Ameer Hamza said...

Thank you all for reading and commenting.