Monday, May 17, 2010

Feeding 50,000 people daily

The photograph may look funny but for countless men and women it is a sign of relief and of some really good food, day and night. Saylani Welfare International, based in Karachi with their headquarters at Bahadurabad, is probably the largest NGO in the world in terms of the number of people it feeds daily: 50,000 with no full stop any day of any year. And this number continues to rise as people like you and me become aware of its workings.

Saylani's un-written but much understood reason for being established was that they wanted 'to feed all Muslims of the World'. But they have grown their charter and now wishes that no one, not only Muslims, go hungry any day, any night. This is a big ask but could have imagined them feeding 50,000 people daily. And meat everyday, despite it being a very expensive commodity. And no religion comes into play at their workings. Anyone can go and eat without the necessity of mentioning his / her religion. Nor it is asked.

But Saylani also does other things. They gift jahez (dowry) to poor women who cannot fund their daughters' jazez; they help people with free medicines and doctors; they fund people with disabilities; they pay for the deserving patients in Karachi's elitist hospitals; they help people set up their own push-carts free of cost; they manage monthly stipends for thousands of deserving, poverty-struck families; and they feed prisoners at City Courts. This surely is an organization worth helping.

1 comment:

Billy Jeans said...

This is indeed great effort put up by these people and they must be supported

Although I am not a supporter of their sect but still I support them

And we should support every one who looks after deserving people’s needs